Vidhi Bansal(2002年)


“即使美国的生活正在恢复正常.S., it is possible that video conferencing may leave a lasting effect on individuals. 事实上, 许多机构可能采用视频会议或远程工作作为履行职责的另一种选择.”

  • 招募W&J students during the upcoming fall 2021 semester. Those participants will be asked to perform a timed task (e.g., a set of math problems or anagrams of varying difficulties)
  • 研究了如何在虚拟(vs .. in-person) setting affects students’ performance on academic tasks
  • 表明参与者的自我意识——源于他们在视频会议期间对自己形象/演示的关注——对他们在2020-2021年的学习成绩产生了负面影响


“The honors thesis process was an incredibly fulfilling experience for me. 它使我能够探索超出det365app通常的心理学和社会学课程所要求的研究. 通过这个过程, 我能够利用提供给我的工具和指导,进一步提高我对研究(总体)和我感兴趣的话题的理解.”

Vidhi graduated with majors in psychology and sociology. 自2022年以来, she has been pursuing a doctorate in experimental psychology at Oklahoma State University. 她的研究从社会和进化心理学的角度调查了浪漫关系. In their free time, they enjoy watching tv, listening to music, reading books, or painting.


“Predicting Counterproductive Work Behavior: Exploration of an Alternative Personality Inventory”

  • 运用HEXACO人格模型研究反生产行为与人格特征之间的关系.
  • 确定了员工自我报告的亲和性与反生产工作行为的参与度之间的适度相关性.
  • Extended the findings to develop a predictive model of employees’ engagement in workplace deviance.


“I developed my skills as a researcher through conducting a correlational study from start to finish. 此外, this project prepared me for conducting applied research within organizations."

麦克斯韦的盒子是一位博士. 鲍灵格林州立大学的候选人, pursuing research on industrial/organizational psychology. 他还参与了ACT的Social项目, 情感, 及学术学习小组, developing psychometrically valid measures for use in educational settings.


“MP2 and planewave-DFT improves crystal structure prediction landscapes of photosalient polymorphs”

“CSP is a process used to find polymorphs viable for synthesis] Python脚本用于使用通用原子力场产生数十万个晶体结构. 然后通过增加模型化学水平来优化结构,以找到最低能量结构.”

  • Earlier models acquired an energy landscape that did not predict what was being observed experimentally; the goal of my project was to apply a new method to improve the data.
  • The calculations agreed with what was being observed experimentally, and predicted the existence of an undiscovered polymorph.
  • This success supported the new method, and overall furthered the development of a photo-actuator.


“参加本科研究实习是我职业生涯迄今为止最宝贵的经历. 在做这个项目之前,我曾打算成为一名医生……这次经历改变了我的整个职业生涯, 让我对科学有了真正的欣赏, 并说服我成为一名科学家.”

扎卡里·加德纳 will begin attending the University of Kentucky in the Fall of 2023 in pursuit of a PhD. 在化学. He hopes to become a quantum/computational chemist.


“What attracts foreign-born workers to the US?”

“结果表明,就业增长, 而不是中等收入, appears to be a crucial factor influencing the location choices of high-skilled foreign-born workers. 此外, 当地和国际流动选择的提供和使用在其决策过程中发挥着重要作用. 最后, highly skilled foreign-born workers are more drawn to MSAs characterized by greater diversity.”

  • 深入探讨了吸引世界各地的个人来美国寻求职业机会的多方面因素.S.
  • 探讨大都市统计区(MSA)吸引高技能外籍工人的特点.
  • 如果研究人员和政府希望通过吸引外国出生的工人来增加高技能劳动力,则为他们提供了改变当地政策的材料.


“这个项目让我能够通过比我以前的课程更深入的分析来调查我感兴趣的话题. 我确定了数据集中值得关注的领域,并找到了控制观察到的不规则现象的方法.”

Linh joined the PhD in Economics program at American University in the Fall of 2023. 



“经济毒性是指癌症诊断和治疗的经济影响,包括直接费用, 比如保险费和自付额, 还有间接成本. 这些间接费用包括患者因治疗而承担的任何额外费用以及对患者工作能力的任何负面影响.”

  • 调查在乳腺癌患者治疗过程中造成财务毒性的关键因素.
  • 发现患者在诊断前的经济因素对其经济毒性的可能性起着很大的作用.
  • Showed that the diagnosis of type and stage itself plays very little role in subsequent financial impacts.


“This project allowed me to get close to a local cause and help out a faculty member and her mission. 我真的很感谢有这个机会. It was a lot of work but I am able to walk away and say “I did THIS, this is my research!“这是非常值得的. ”

加布里埃拉在毕业后的两年中继续在UPMC心胸科进行研究, while completing a Master’s in Public Health management and policy. 之后,她计划进入医学院学习.



“Cognitive dissonance is a well-studied phenomenon involving ideals, 的想法, 信仰, or behaviors that do not line up with one another... A common way is to change a behavior to fit the inner 的想法. This eye tracking study tries to determine this change in behavior by looking at a change of attention.”

  • Examined ways in which subjects would ease the mental dissonance and reduce the internal state of distress.
  • Participants in the experimental group were more likely to look at healthy images than unhealthy images.
  • 然而, 对照组看健康图片和不健康图片的时间大致相同.


“This was the first time I did an entire research project start to finish. 我一个人完成了整个过程, I was able to confirm that research was the path I truly wanted to go down. 当涉及到解决问题和尝试寻找新的和不同的方法来做某事时,我也对自己有了很多了解.”

萨拉将于2023年秋季在特拉华大学攻读跨学科神经科学博士学位. There, she will be researching emotions and motivations.

杰西·里尔登(Jesse Reardon)


  • 研究小分子血小板源性生长因子受体抑制剂crenolanib在小鼠血清和器官中的生物分布, 主要研究大脑
  • Worked toward determining if crenolanib was acting directly within the brain tumor microenvironment
  • Developing chromatographic parameters and extraction techniques for addressing this question


这个项目真正伟大的事情是学习如何交流我的研究…我写了一篇完整的手稿,并展示/辩护我的研究…在写手稿的过程中, as well as preparing to present my research to both a technical and general audience, I learned how to create a compelling story out of my research, which is a really crucial skill for any scientist to have.

Jesse graduated in 2022 with a degree in biochemistry. 他现在工作了 作为博士的研究助理. Gina Sizemore’s laboratory at The Ohio State University. 2023年秋天,他将开始攻读博士学位.D. 俄勒冈州立大学生物医学科学专业.


“Gastrointestinal Pathology and Neuroinflammation in Parkinson’s Disease”

  • 综合湿实验室研究和深入的文献综述,提出关于帕金森病的病因和进展的新假设


通过这个项目, 我获得了宝贵的实验室经验, 提高了我的文献综述能力, and deep knowledge of Parkinson's disease etiology. Being able to focus so acutely on one unique topic would not have been possible in a class setting.

Leslie graduated in 2021 with a degree in biology. 她目前是博士学位.D. candidate at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Her lab studies protein production at the single-molecule level, 她的论文旨在设计一种工具,在空间和时间上控制活细胞中内源性蛋白质的产生.